A.2. Zone DNS fake.domain

La mise en œuvre du service de noms de domaine est décrite dans le support de travaux pratiques Introduction au service DNS. On donne ci-dessous les fichiers de configuration utilisés avec l'infrastructure de test. Dans ces fichiers, les noms d'hôtes sont associés à des adresses IP des deux versions.

  • Options globales du service : /etc/bind/named.conf.options

    acl "xfer" {
    };  // Allow no other transfers.
    acl "internal" {;
    }; // Local networks
    include "/etc/bind/rndc.key";
    controls {
            inet allow { any; } keys { "rndc-key"; };
    options {
            directory "/var/cache/bind";
            statistics-file "/var/log/named/named.stats";
            dump-file "/var/log/named/named.dump";
            zone-statistics yes;
            // If there is a firewall between you and nameservers you want
            // to talk to, you may need to fix the firewall to allow multiple
            // ports to talk.  See http://www.kb.cert.org/vuls/id/800113
            // Generate more efficient zone transfers.  This will place
            // multiple DNS records in a DNS message, instead of one per
            // DNS message.
            transfer-format many-answers;
            // Set the maximum zone transfer time to something more
            // reasonable.  In this case, we state that any zone transfer
            // that takes longer than 60 minutes is unlikely to ever
            // complete.  WARNING:  If you have very large zone files,
            // adjust this to fit your requirements.
            max-transfer-time-in 60;
            // We have no dynamic interfaces, so BIND shouldn't need to
            // poll for interface state {UP|DOWN}.
            interface-interval 0;
            // If your ISP provided one or more IP addresses for stable 
            // nameservers, you probably want to use them as forwarders.  
            // Uncomment the following block, and insert the addresses replacing 
            // the all-0's placeholder.
            auth-nxdomain no;    # conform to RFC1035
            listen-on-v6 { any; };
            allow-query { internal; };
            allow-recursion { internal; };
            allow-transfer { xfer; };
            dnssec-validation auto;
            dnssec-lookaside auto;
    logging { 
            channel "default_syslog" {
                    // Send most of the named messages to syslog.
                    syslog local2;
                    severity error;
            channel audit_log {
                    // Send the security related messages to a separate file.
                    file "/var/log/named/named.log";
                    severity debug;
                    print-time yes;
            channel query_logging {
                    file "/var/log/named/query.log";
                    print-category yes;
                    print-severity yes;
                    print-time yes;
            category default { default_syslog; };
            category general { default_syslog; };
            category security { audit_log; default_syslog; };
            category config { default_syslog; };
            category resolver { audit_log; };
            category xfer-in { audit_log; };
            category xfer-out { audit_log; };
            category notify { audit_log; };
            category client { audit_log; };
            category network { audit_log; };
            category update { audit_log; };
            category queries { query_logging; };
            category lame-servers { audit_log; };
  • Déclaration des zones sur lesquelles le service a autorité : /etc/bind/named.conf.local

    // Do any local configuration here
    // Consider adding the 1918 zones here, if they are not used in your
    // organization
    //include "/etc/bind/zones.rfc1918";
    view standard in {
            // Our internal (trusted) view. We permit the internal networks 
            // to freely access this view. We perform recursion for our 
            // internal hosts, and retrieve data from the cache for them.
            match-clients { internal; };
            recursion yes;
            additional-from-auth yes;
            additional-from-cache yes;
            zone-statistics yes;
            include "/etc/bind/named.conf.default-zones";
            // add entries for other zones below here
            zone "fake.domain" {
                    type master;
                    file "fake.domain";
            zone "2.0.192.in-addr.arpa" {
                    type master;
                    file "2.0.192";
            // 2001:db8:feb2:10::/64
            // ipv6calc --in ipv6addr --out revnibbles.arpa 2001:db8:feb2:10::/64
            zone "" {
                    type master;
                    file "10-feb2-db8-2001";
  • Déclaration des enregistrements de la zone directe fake.domain : /var/cache/bind/fake.domain

    $TTL 1D
    @               IN              SOA     cooper.fake.domain. root.cooper.fake.domain. (
                                    2013021001      ; Serial
                                    8H              ; Refresh 8 hours
                                    2H              ; Retry   2 hours
                                    1W              ; Expire  1 week
                                    1D )            ; Minimum 1 day
                                    NS              cooper.fake.domain.
                                    MX      0       cooper.fake.domain.
    cooper          A     
    ns              CNAME           cooper.fake.domain.
    cooper          AAAA            2001:db8:feb2:10::1
    rtr             AAAA            2001:db8:feb2:10::1
    vm1             A     
    clnt4           CNAME           vm1.fake.domain.
    vm1             AAAA            2001:db8:feb2:10::11
    clnt6           AAAA            2001:db8:feb2:10::11
    vm2             A     
    srvr4           CNAME           vm2.fake.domain.
    vm2             AAAA            2001:db8:feb2:10::12
    srvr6           AAAA            2001:db8:feb2:10::12
    vm3             A     
  • Déclaration des enregistrements de la zone inverse correspondant au réseau : /var/cache/bind/2.0.192

    $TTL 1D
    @               IN      SOA     cooper.fake.domain. root.cooper.fake.domain. (
                            2013021001      ; Serial
                            8H              ; Refresh 8 hours
                            2H              ; Retry   2 hours
                            1W              ; Expire  1 week
                            1D )            ; Minimum 1 day
                            NS              cooper.fake.domain.
    1               PTR     cooper.fake.domain.
    11              PTR     vm1.fake.domain.
    12              PTR     vm2.fake.domain.
    13              PTR     vm3.fake.domain.
  • Déclaration des enregistrements de la zone inverse correspondant au réseau 2001:db8:feb2:10/64 : /var/cache/bind/10-feb2-db8-2001

    $TTL 1D
    @               IN      SOA     cooper.fake.domain. root.cooper.fake.domain. (
                            2013020504      ; Serial
                            8H              ; Refresh 8 hours
                            2H              ; Retry   2 hours
                            1W              ; Expire  1 week
                            1D )            ; Minimum 1 day
                            NS              cooper.fake.domain.
    ; ipv6calc --in ipv6addr --out revnibbles.arpa 2001:db8:feb2:10::/64
    $ORIGIN         PTR cooper.fake.domain.         PTR vm1.fake.domain.         PTR vm2.fake.domain.